Willow Spinner
- Lake
- River
- Stream
Technical details of Suissex Willow spinner
How does Willow fishing spinner behave in freshwater?
The willow leaf blade has a spinning angle between 30 and 40° depending on the sizes.
It also has a good resistance to water in the strong currents, which is why it is recommended to fish deep areas and water veins along congested riverbanks.
We recommend varying spinner’s retrieval speed according to the fishing area to maximize the chances of catching fish.
What visual signals does this artificial lure produce in water?
After a study performed by a fluid technology research institute, light signals provided by Willow fishing spinners have been analyzed.
This research program took place in a running water channel with a flow velocity comparable to a fisherman’s retrieval speed during casting.
Evenly lights signals shown on the graph confirm that this spinner provides incisive visual sparkles with great amplitude.
Conception of our Willow fishing spinners
Suissex research office developed Willow leaf blades’ fishing spinner in 2013 with the aim to create a blade that swims very close to its body and thus helps prospecting the deepest water layers.
Willow leaf blade’s shape is crucial to set the general action of this spinner, which is why we created a curved willow leaf cutout and assembled it to a metal rod, an axial lead body and a holding bead below the clevis.
Asymmetric drillings on the edges of the blade release bubble clouds while spinning and thus attracts salmonids and predators‘fish curiosity.
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